David Streeter

Owner & Manager

As the manager of one of Western Australia's oldest scrap metal businesses and a leader in the E-waste recycling industry, I specialise in providing comprehensive services for both domestic and commercial sectors. My expertise includes metal testing and offering processing advice to ensure clients extract maximum value from their scrap metal. I am committed to promoting education in responsible recycling practices within the community and industry, offering guidance and responsible avenues for material recycling.

Copper Cable

Copper Facts and Why It Should Be Recycled

Copper is one of the many minerals that we know about. But did you know it is essential to our daily lives? Copper is highly valued for its ductility, meaning it can handle physical alterations without breaking. It’s malleable with thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper is corrosion-resistant, too. This element is also considered an important…

Sorting mixed scrap metal.

How Is Scrap Metal Recycled?

Updated 22 July 2023 When thinking about recycling, the first thoughts are plastics or cardboard products. While recycling these products is crucial, scrap metal recycling does not always come to mind. Yet scrap metal holds onto its original properties no matter how many times it is recycled. This takes the idea of reusing products to…

Scrap aluminum cans.

What You Can Put in Your Recycling Bin

Updated: 05/04/2023 Proper recycling of household and business waste is necessary. And the way Australians manage waste is now changing positively. However, there is still a long way to go. For many people, throwing items in the bin is almost like a reflex. There’s no second thought, just throwing away any rubbish they have in their…

dismantle tin shed

The 7 Easy Steps of Tearing Down a Shed

Do you have a shed in your yard that you no longer need? Most of us do. It does not only take space but has also become a place for ants and moss to thrive. While you may have your rusty yet trusty tools in that shed, you know that it is high time to…

Man disposing electronics including an old TV

How to Solve E-Waste: Australia’s Solution

It’s not a secret that the whole world continues to generate far too much waste. This issue has been around for what appears to be several decades now. But during the past few years, we are seeing one major concern popping up, and it’s more specific. We’re talking about electronic waste or e-waste.   What’s…